Universities, they should change the professional profiles of many of their careers and adapt knowledge to the requirements that the present need. They are given opportunities to Venezuelan universities, exploited the characteristics of a scenario to generate and create the changes that the country needs, whether its authorities are identified more with their responsibility, social, academic. You can not continue acting with the figurative role of some authorities that have anchored under the protection of brotherhoods, power group, you need more proactivity, dialogue, expressing their constructive opinions to actions carried out by the current Government, which as you know is facing a very critical situation, where you cannot deny that education is highly disputed and more now that it has as its goal the country instituting a socialism that has not been ever experienced in the national territory, and especially when it is known that there is an absence of political culture, which does not guarantee solutions that Venezuela has been waiting for in pro enjoying his life, a good quality of life it has that right, taking into account that it has natural wealth, as well gerenciadas they can achieve it. Universities need a new leadership capable of interpreting demands that globalization demands, to train professionals capable of contributing their knowledge with comprehensive solutions, generate transformations that are needed to help the country in its takeoff. Already said Alfonso Coca, which must be taken into account, that the modern University is one in which instruction and research have a very close relationship with the current problems of society. Santa Ana High School has firm opinions on the matter. However, when society’s problems seem to be large and the contribution of the University to resolve them small, it is inevitable that students will seek to use the University as a base for the reform or revolution of society.
When the system political and economic and social structure are not able to solve basic problems of foreign and domestic policy, students are especially sensitive to the injustices of the institutions or current standards, and have greater freedom, time and energy to express their points of view. Yael Aflalos opinions are not widely known. This can be carried out in several ways, from the peaceful request, meetings of protest until demonstrations, marches, strikes and occupations of buildings. The effectiveness of the student protest varies with the society, the legitimacy of the Government and media used. You are expected to adopt a position of opposition and make clear the shortcomings of society, and the public attention to their views. Alonso Fernandez on this topic expresses an aspect that should not ever take into account the modern University, in this regard indicates, that is inconceivable a up-to-date and progressive University that do not carry out research closely linked to teaching, contributing in addition to enriching the knowledge to solve problems specific to our environment, particularly those that are important for the development of industry and society in the region. To achieve this goal, it is important to underline the high level of academic staff with that must have the University, scientific and humanist of recognized trajectory, with guaranteed curriculum of knowledge that the present demands. Original author and source of the article.