Room of Restore-Assure the preservation of documents to its guard and disponibiliza more and better information to its users. Room of Research – researchers receive, historians, students and population in general. Room Technique Makes use of a well projected structure for the conservation of documents. As for the historic site of a.H.P. , The applied methodology constitutes in the accomplishment of restores it documentary, the archive withholds in its documentary quantity a referring unknown patrimony to the period of 1764 1884, that they are true rare workmanships, sito a 1764 book and Act of 1884 register, with visit carried through in the first semester of 2008 to the Historical Archive, with the presence of the oficineiras of a.H.P.
, The conditions of its installations had been observed and the state of its quantity, evidencing that the document presented for the oficineiras, was ' ' contaminado' ' , fragile, the oficineiras, demonstrated to the restoration forms, using a called material ' ' paper japons' ' , transparent I restore for it, with long staple fibres, according to oficineiras. Recently closets sought to clarify these questions. Another point to detach, is the mobile use of bookshelves, makes possible the employees of Archive a bigger mobility, inside of this patrimonial support, is distinguished it room technique, where the documents in preservation are kept to all, the room makes use of a climatization process, where it makes possible the biggest preservation documentary, this room follows the preservation conditions international, the Archive makes use of conditions for the adjusted storage, in addition, the used packings is of Ferogalha, where it prevents the deterioration of the manuscripts. A.H.P. , Today with installations adjusted for the conservation of documents, it is observed that the climatic installations and quantity do not suffer any intempries and inadequate conditions had to the project carried through for the architects, in the restoration of the houses, something that I evidenced were the procedures how much the hygienic cleaning of the incorporated quantity to its routine, also as writ of prevention the air-conditional one was installed thus keeping the temperature between 19 and 22 degrees. Connect with other leaders such as cabinets here.