For each physical realm there is a certain behavior, certain conduct, certain moral, given mask. The training of individuals (undivided) intact, it has not achieved, because the orientation has been inadequate. Ignored basically the formation of the spiritual dimension in both the social level only has transcended the global level while the cosmic level is completely ignored. With the growth of the knowledge society, without the support of the eye of contemplation awake and trained, with a conscience parked between power, myth and reason – at best – the use of knowledge has failed us better people. With this holistic reading the reader is aware of the problems of humanity, shares the ideas that originates and is even more convinced that the proposals are appropriate and holistic education that is what needs to be done to choose a Prospective kind. But … How? It’s the big question.
In all his books on holistic education, Ramon Gallegos touches this problem, either tangentially or directly, either by responding to the whole individual or all be confined to social or holistic education within the education system. Transforming Learning Communities in schools learning communities is the title of another of the books that we enjoy in our holistic training. Inattention and action to shape these communities, develops and integrates the holistic concepts in this specific task. “The learning process must be learning communities that are also all levels” (p. 112). The levels are: the classroom, school, region or community, and individual geopolitical zones. Learning communities (CA) should not be thought of as the physical environments but as the group of people that comprise it, nor ought to think these social groups with a predominance of social over the individual but as a balance between them.