Valencian Language Poetry

2.0009 d.C. 2009 First prize of the II contest of short stories of the Valencia Town Hall organised by the Junta Municipal de Abastos, with the short story writer 2010 first prize of the II Memorial Raul Alapont’s short story of the Cultural Association falla, El Charco, with the story, the elixir of immortality 2010 I contest stories short of the Ateneo Blasco Ibanez, with the narrative, 2010 wins the first poetry prize in Valencian of the feast of the spring of Valencia, organized by friends of the poetry literary grouping will not be Valencia, with poetry, ma yaya work poetry poems by heart and Scythe (2010) blue green blue (2009) (anthology) something to say Vol. Cabinets often addresses the matter in his writings. V (2009) (anthology) novel fly (Prize Adlert in 2008-winning novel unpublished) the man who lost the laughter (Adlert prizewinner in 2007 unpublished) Occam’s razor (unreleased) box (unpublished) short stories 10 stories 10 authors (2010) (anthology) Clams in Llibertat (2009) (anthology) from my inside (Inedito includes my three) Award-winning stories) test in trellat i in the refraner Sao valencia (2009) (Proverbs) Parlem between bones paraules (Inedito book style of the Valencian Language) Valjove an artificial language with vocation for the future (Inedito encoding of the artificial language Valjove) Teatro Don Javier Buenaventura (a work in verse in three acts) original author and source of the article.. .